Starfire name
Starfire name

starfire name

When Koriand'r killed one of her captors, Komand'r decided to execute her as punishment, but the sisters were attacked and captured by the Psions, a group of sadistic alien scientists. To her horror, Koriand'r learned that Komand'r was her master her own older sister made the most of her sibling's years of horrific servitude. They conquered Tamaran with ease, and the surrender conditions included the enslavement of Koriand'r, who was never permitted to return, since that would mean the Citadel would devastate the planet for abrogating the treaty. That revenge came in a plot where Komand'r betrayed her planet by supplying detailed information about Tamaran's defenses to their enemies, the Citadel. As a result, Komand'r was expelled and she swore vengeance. Things came to a head during a sparring exercise in which Komand'r attempted to kill her sister. This rivalry continued and intensified when the siblings were sent for warrior training with the Warlords of Okaara. Komand'r (also known as Blackfire), her older sister, developed a bitter rivalry with her after suffering a disease in infancy that robbed her of the ability to harness solar energy to allow her to fly, and by extension, her right to the throne. Koriand'r, Starfire's given name, is a princess of the fictional planet of Tamaran in the Vega system, and was in line to rule the planet as queen.

  • 5.1 Justice League/Teen Titans Animated Universe.
  • She is voiced by Hynden Walch in most animated media.

    #Starfire name series

    Starfire makes her live adaptation debut in the DC Universe and HBO Max series Titans, played by Anna Diop. Starfire has appeared in numerous cartoon television shows and films, making her animated debut in the 2003 Cartoon Network series Teen Titans, as a member of the superhero team of the same name. In 2013, Starfire placed 21st on IGN's "Top 25 Heroes of DC Comics." The name "Starfire" first appeared (for an unrelated character) in a DC Comic in the story "The Answer Man of Space," in Mystery in Space #73, February 1962, written by Gardner Fox. She debuted in a preview story inserted within DC Comics Presents #26 (October 1980) and was created by Marv Wolfman and George Pérez. Starfire ( Princess Koriand'r) is a fictional superhero appearing in books published by DC Comics. You can't understand- I won't let this planet die! I'll not let that happen to this planet, too. My name? In your language, it would be " Star Fire". Fanon information is allowed only in individual paragraphs with words "Idea Wiki" and/or "Fanon" in them. Non-fanon means if it is not fanmade or it is also canon. Starck name origin is French.This article is a non-fanon page. More info Starck Name Meaning of VigorousStarck name used for Boy. More info Starbuk Name Meaning of Star Deer AstronautStarbuk name used for Boy. More info Starbuc Name Meaning of Star Deer AstronautStarbuc name used for Boy. More info Starla Name Meaning of From Latin Origin And Derived From The Name Star Meaning StarStarla name meaning in Urdu. More info Starls Name Meaning of StarStarls name meaning in English. More info Starveling Name Meaning of A MiDsummer Night s Dream Starveling a tailor acts as Moonshine in the play within the play Starveling name meaning in English. More info Starr Name Meaning of StarStarr name meaning in Urdu. Its Pronunciation is Star-ling, Starling. More info Starling Name Meaning of A BirdStarling name meaning in English. More info Starbuck Name Meaning of Star DeerStarbuck name meaning in English. Starfire retain similarity with these names Star, Starbuck, Starling, Starr, Starveling, Starls, Starla, Starbuc, Starbuk, Starck, Starcke, Starke, Starkie, Starlight, Starlyng, Starrbuc, Starrbuck, Starrbuk, Starrling, Starrlyng, Staria, Starisha, Starle, Starlena, Starletta, Starly, Starre, Starri, Starria, Starrie, Starrika, Starrlen, Starrsha, Starry, Starshanna, Stark, Starlin, Starseed, Stardust, Stari, Star Name Meaning of Like A StarStar name meaning in Urdu.

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    Starfire name